Friday, 16 August 2019

The Joy of Computing using Python- Quiz Assignment 2

Sorry for last time wrong answer for Question 2. Just overlooked the question. Even I did the same mistake.

If you sense any wrong answer, comment below so that i can verify again and give the correct one. Knowledge improves by sharing. 
This time  100% correct answers. Thank you......

1. In Python, a variable must be declared before it is assigned a value.


2. What is the output of the following program?
     for i in range(2): 

     for i in range(4,6): 
print(i,end="" )


3. What is the output if the following code snippet?

4. What is the output of the following program?
     i = 1
     while True: 
if i%3 == 0: 
i + = 1

      Ans: d
5.   i = 2
      while True:
      if i%3 == 0:
    i += 2

6. Which of the following is correct variable name in Python?

7. What is the output of this expression in Python, 3*1**3?
      Ans: a
8.  State True or False.
     Python is a case-sensitive language.
     Ans: True
9. Which of the following is not a keyword in Python?
      Ans: add
10. What would be the value of variable y if the following set of instructions are executed?


  1. Replies
    1. Sorry cant provide answers for that. None of us registered to that course. Thank you

  2. iot 2019 week 2 and week3 answers plese
