Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Antennas Assignment 1

 Antenna Fundamentals

    1)A cell tower antenna needs to cover an area with 120° angular coverage in horizontal plane. The radiation pattern of the antenna should be

      2)Antenna A and Antenna B have directivities of 2 dBi and 6 dBi in a given plane, respectively. Which of the two antennas would have larger   HPBW?
      3)The directivity of an antenna is 9.6 dBi. If the half power beam width (HPBW) is 70° in one plane, the HPBW in the orthogonal plane is, approximately:

4)An antenna has efficiency of 80%. If the directivity of the antenna is 7 dBi, then its gain will be, approximately:
    5)The E-field of the wave radiated by an antenna has two orthogonal components with amplitudes of 0.5 V/m and 0.3 V/m. If the phase difference between the two components is 90°, the polarization of the wave is:

 6)In a 50 Ω system, if input impedance of an antenna is 68 Ω, the corresponding value of VSWR is, approximately:

7) In a 50 Ω system, if input impedance of an antenna is (50 – j25) Ω at 2.45 GHz, the percentage power reflected from the antenna will be, approximately:

8)AGSM 900 cell tower antenna with 15 dBi gain is transmitting 20 W of power. The power density at a distance of 100 m in the direction of maximum radiation is 5 mW/ m2. What will be the value of power density at a distance of 200 m?
    9)Two identical transmitting and receiving antennas are located at a distance of 1 km. If power transmitted is 25 dBm at 10 GHz and received power is -65 dBm, the approximate gain of each antenna is:

10)The diameter of a parabolic dish antenna (with efficiency η = 60%) for 40 dBi gain at 10 GHz is:


  1. Please send detailed solutions

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this useful and informative information with us. Keep Posting... :)
    Antenna Design In Finland
