Sunday, 3 March 2019


1. Why interoperability is required in Internet of Things?

a. Heterogeneous wireless communication protocols
b. Different programming languages
c. Different control models
d. All of the above

Ans: d

2.  Unique identification codes associated with device interoperability are:

a. Electronic Product Code
b. Universal Product Code
c. Uniform Resource Identifier
d. All of these

Ans: d

3. The interoperability between the devices and device users in terms of syntax is termed as:

a. Syntactic interoperability
b. Synthetic interoperability
c. Both a and b
d. None of these

Ans: c

4. The UMB-A adapter:

a. Convert physical devices into virtually abstracted ones
b. Converts
c. Both a and b
d. None of these

Ans: c

5. Arduino UNO supports output supply voltage of:

a. 5V
b. 3.3V
c. 9V
d. 5V, 3.3V

Ans: d

6. What is the servo library command to move the shaft of Servo motor back and forth?

a. Knob()
b. Sweep()
c. write()
d. detach()

Ans: c

7. An Arduino UNO has following number of analog inputs:

a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8

Ans: c

8. What is the functionality of the following code?
      void setup() {
       Serial begin(9600);
      void loop() {
        int sensorValue=analogRead(A0);

a. Reads analog values from A0 only.
b. Reads analog values from A0 and prints on the serial port/terminal only.
c. Reads analog values from A0 and prints on the serial port over and over again after a delay of             1millisec.
d. None of these.

Ans: c

9. What is the functionality of the following code?

       Servo myservo;
       int potpin=0;  //potentiometer value initialization
       int val;
       void setup() {
       void loop() {

a. Reads potentiometer values on A0 only.
b. Reads potentiometer values on A0 and writes to servo controller in a loop after a delay of 15                milliseconds.
c. Writes values to servo motors only.
d. None of these.

Ans: b

10. Pin 4 of a DHT sensor is connected to which pin of Arduino?

a. 5V
b. GND
c. A0
d. D0

Ans: b

11. The function random(max) in Arduino gives:

a. A random number between 1 and max.
b. A random number between 0 and max.
c. A random number sequence of length equal to max.
d. None of these.

Ans: b

12. ISR in Arduino stands for:

a. Interrupt service routine.
b. Information service route.
c. Interrupt service route.
d. Information server route.

Ans: a

13. Which of the following is not a valid arithmetic operator in Arduino?

a. *
b. x
c. +
d. -

Ans: b

14. The function delay(xx) counts the values of delay in:

a. Seconds
b. Minutes
c. Milliseconds
d. Hours

Ans: c

15. The number of digital I/O pins in Arduino UNO is:

a. 6
b. 4
c. 8
d. 14

Ans: d


  1. Digital electronics assignment 5 ?


  3. Antennas 5th assignment

  4. Iot assignment 6?

  5. introduction to iot assignment 4??
