Monday 24 October 2016

Microwave Engineering and Optical Communication Lab Manual

This post gives you complete information regarding practical implementation of Microwave and Optical Communications. The requirements, procedure to do the experiments, and the results are kept in the manual below.

To download the lab manual click on "CLICK ME": CLICK ME

List of experiments that are performed are listed below with requirements:
Part – A  :
1. Reflex Klystron Characteristics.
2. Gunn Diode Characteristics.
3. Directional Coupler Characteristics.
4. VSWR Measurement.
5. Impedance and Frequency Measurement.
6. Waveguide parameters measurement.
7. Scattering parameters of Magic Tee.
Part – B :
8. Characterization of LED.
9. Characterization of Laser Diode.
10. Measurement of Data rate for Digital Optical link.
11. Measurement of NA.
12. Measurement of losses for Analog Optical link.

Equipment required for Laboratories:
1. Regulated Klystron Power Supply
2. VSWR Meter -
3. Micro Ammeter - 0 – 500 μA
4. Multi meter
5. CRO
6. GUNN Power Supply, Pin Modulator
7. Reflex Klystron
Electronics & Communication Engineering 168
8. Crystal Diodes
9. Micro wave components (Attenuation)
10. Frequency Meter
11. Slotted line carriage
12. Probe detector
13. wave guide shorts
14. Pyramidal Horn Antennas
15. Directional Coupler
16. E, H, Magic Tees
17. Circulators, Isolator
18. Matched Loads
19. Fiber Optic Analog Trainer based LED
20. Fiber Optic Analog Trainer based laser
21. Fiber Optic Digital Trainer
22. Fiber cables - (Plastic, Glass)

EXP NO.: 1                                                                                                                DATE:



To verify the V-I characteristics of Gunn Diode Oscillator
 Equipment required: 

1.  Gunn power supply             XGPS 610

2.  Gunn oscillator                    XG 11

3.  Pin modulator

4.  Isolator                                XI 621

5.  Variable attenuator             XA 520

6.  Crystal detector                  XD 451

7.  Waveguide stand                XU 535

8.  CRO with probes

Gunn diode oscillators circuits normally consists of a resonant cavity, an arrangement for coupling diode to the cavity, a circuit for biasing the diode and a mechanism to couple the RF power from cavity to external circuit / load. A coaxial cavity or a rectangular waveguide cavity is commonly used.
The most important mode of oscillation of Gunn oscillator is limited space charge accumulation mode. This mode gives high power coupled with high efficiency. In this mode the domain is not allowed to form at all frequencies and RF voltages are so chosen that the domain do not have sufficient time to form while the field above threshold. As a result, most of the domains are maintained in the negative conductance stage during a large part of voltage cycle. It is used in high power operations.

1.      Setup the experiment as shown in the figure.
2.      Keep the control knobs of   Gunn power supply as shown below.
a.       Meter switch-Off
b.      Gunn bias knob-Fully anti-clockwise
c.       Pin bias knob- Fully anti-clockwise
d.      Pin mode frequency-Any position
3.      Switch on the power supply.
4.      Measure the Gunn diode current corresponding to various Gunn bias voltages through the digital panel meter of the Gunn power supply by varying the Gunn bias knob.
5.      Do not exceed the Gunn bias voltage above 8 volts
6. Plot the voltage and current readings on the graph and measure the threshold voltage corresponding to the maximum current.



Voltage (V)














 1.      Do not leave the Gunn bias knob at threshold position for more than 10 to 15 sec because due to excessive heating, Gunn diode may burn.
2.      The readings should be taken without parallax error.
 RESULT: --------------------------------------------------------------
 Viva questions:
1.      What are various modes of Gunn diode oscillations and what factors determine the frequency of oscillations?
2.      What are the different materials used to manufacture Gunn diode?

 EXP NO.:2                                                                                                     



To verify the characteristics of Reflex klystron


1.      Klystron power supply      XKPS 610
2.      Reflex klystron                 2K25
3.      Isolator                              XI 621
4.      Variable attenuator           XA 520.
5.      Frequency Meter               XF 710
6.      Slotted line                        XS 651
7.      Tunable probe                   XP 655
8.      Crystal detector                XD 451
9.      Waveguide stand              XU 535
10.  Cooling fan
11.  CRO with probes

 The Reflex klystron is a single cavity variable frequency microwave generator oscillator. It has low power and low efficiency. It has electron gun similar to that of two cavity klystron but it is smaller. As the size is small, the beam does not require focusing. The two cavity klystron was not used because the oscillation of frequency is varied. The resonant frequency of each cavity and phase shift of feedback path should be readjusted for every positive feedback. Due to this disadvantage, reflex klystron is used. They are used as local oscillator in microwave experiments.

1.      Setup the experiment as shown in figure.
2.      Keep the control knob of klystron power supply as shown below.

a.       MOD switch-AM
b.      Beam voltage knob-Fully Anti-clockwise
c.       Klystron repeller  voltage- Fully clockwise
d.      AM amplitude knob-Fully clockwise
e.       AM frequency knob- Fully clockwise
3.      Switch ON the klystron power supply and cooling fan.
4.      Set the beam voltage at 250V with the help of beam voltage knob.
5.      Set the repeller voltage, AM amplitude & AM frequency to obtain a square wave on the CRO.
6.      Now, vary the repeller voltage from minimum (not more than 100V) and note down the corresponding voltage from CRO.
7.      Find the power at P=V2 /R and plot the graph between output power and repeller voltage.



Repeller voltage(V)
Output  Voltage (V)
Output Power P=V2R


1.      The microwave source should be exposed to fan.
2.      Readings should be taken without parallax error.

RESULT: ---------------------------------------------------------------------

 Viva questions:

1.              Why pentode tubes are not suitable at high frequencies?
2.              What do you mean by velocity and density modulations? How do these differ from frequency and phase modulations?

EXP NO.:3                                                                                                                                                          MEASUREMENT OF FREQUENCY AND IMPEDANCE


To determine the frequency and impedance of a rectangular waveguide


1.      Klystron power supply
2.      Reflex klystron
3.      Variable Attenuator
XKPS 610 2K25
XA 520
4.      Isolator
5.      Frequency meter
XI 621
XF 610
6.      Slotted line
7.      Tunable probe
8.      Crystal detector
XS 651
XP 655
XD 451
9.      Waveguide stand
10.  CRO and probes
XU 535
11. Cooling fan


The cutoff frequency relationship shows the physical size of the waveguide will determine the propagation of particular mode of specific order determined by the values of m  and n. The minimum cutoff frequency is obtained for a rectangular waveguide having  dimensions a>b for values of m=1, n=0; TE10 is called dominant mode since for TMnn modes n≠0 the lowest order possible is TE10, called the dominant mode in a rectangular waveguide a>b.

2            2             2
For TE10 mode the parameters λo, λg, λc related as 1/ λ=1/ λ+1/ λg
λoà free space wavelength

λgàguided wavelength

λcàcutoff wavelength


1.         Setup the experiment as shown in figure.
2.         Keep the control knob of klystron power supply as shown below.
a.       MOD switch-AM
b.      Beam voltage knob-Fully Anti-clockwise
c.       Klystron repeller  voltage- Fully clockwise
d.      AM amplitude knob-Fully clockwise
e.       AM frequency knob- Fully clockwise
3.         Switch ON the klystron power supply and cooling fan.
4.         Set the beam voltage at 250V with the help of beam voltage knob.
5.         Set the repeller voltage, AM amplitude and frequency to obtain a square wave on the CRO.
6.         Tune the frequency meter in order to get a dip in the signal. Note the frequency as ‘f’. Calculate λ=c/f.
7.         Now , detune the frequency meter .
8.         Move the probe along along the slotted line to a position when the signal is minimum (or) maximum. Note this as ‘d1’.
9.         Continue moving the probe until you get minimum or maximum. Now rate reading as ‘d2’.
10.     Calculate d= d1- d2. Calculate the guided wavelength as twice the impedance between between two successive maximum or minimum.λg=2d
11.     Measure the waveguide inner board dimensions ‘a’ which will be around 22.86 mm and narrow dimension ‘b’ which is 10.5 mm.
12.     Calculate the cutoff wavelength asλc=2a

Now, from the relation, find free space wavelength 1/ λ=1/ λ+1/ λg
14.     Wavelength of the waveguide should be approximately equal to free space wavelength ‘λo’.
15.     Find the characteristic impedance as zo=377(b/a)( λg/λ)


Beam voltage = 273 V Beam current = Repeller voltage = Dip Frequency f = Wavelength λ=c/f=
Inner waveguide dimension a= 22.86mm

Outer waveguide dimension b= 10.5mm

dà difference between two successive maxima or minima d1 =
d2 =

d= d2-dor d1-d2=
Guided wavelength λg=2d= Cutoff wavelength  λc=2a =
Calculation of λo=

1/ λ=1/ λ+1/ λg


Characteristic impedance = zo=377(b/a)( λg/λ) =


1.      The microwave source should be exposed to fan.
2.      Readings should be taken without parallax error.

RESULT: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Viva questions:

1.                  What is the frequency range of X-band & C-band?
2.                  What is the relation between λ0, λg, and λc in a rectangular wave guide?
3.                  What parameters can be calculated using smith chart?

EXP NO.: 4                                                                                                                



To measure the parameters of a rectangular waveguide

a.       Cutoff  frequency
b.      Guided wavelength
c.       Group velocity
d.      Phase velocity
e.       Characteristic impedance


1.  Klystron power supply                    XKPS 610

2.  Reflex klystron                               2K25

3.  Variable Attenuator                        XA 520

4.  Circulator isolator                           XI 621

5.  Frequency meter                             XF 610

6.  Slotted line                                      XS 651

7.  Tunable probe                                 XP 655

8.  Crystal detector                              XD 451

9.  Waveguide stand                            XU 535

10.  CRO and probes

11.  Cooling fan

 Guide wavelength (λg): It is defined as distance travelled by the wave in order to undergo a phase shift of 2π radians.Phase velocity (vp): The wave propagates in the waveguide when guide wavelength is greater than .It is defined as the rate at which wave changes its phase in terms of guided wavelength. Group velocity (vg): It is defined as the rate at which the wave propagates through the waveguide.


1.  Setup the experiment as shown in figure.

2.  Keep the control knob of klystron power supply as shown below.

a.       MOD switch-AM
b.      Beam voltage knob-Fully Anti-clockwise
c.       Klystron repeller  voltage- Fully clockwise
d.      AM amplitude knob-Fully clockwise
e.       AM frequency knob- Fully clockwise
3.      Switch ON the klystron power supply and cooling fan.
4.      Set the beam voltage at 250V with the help of beam voltage knob.
5.      Set the repeller voltage, AM amplitude and frequency to obtain a square wave on the CRO.
6.      Tune the frequency meter in order to get a dip in the signal. Note the frequency as ‘f’. Calculate λ=c/f.
7.      Now , detune the frequency meter .
8.      Move the probe along along the slotted line to a position when the signal is minimum (or) maximum. Note this as ‘d1’.
9.      Continue moving the probe until you get minimum or maximum. Now rate reading as
10.  Calculate d= d1- d2. Calculate the guided wavelength as twice the impedance between between two successive maximum or minimum.λg=2d
11.  Measure the waveguide inner board dimensions ‘a’ which will be around 22.86 mm and narrow dimension ‘b’ which is 10.5 mm.
12.  Calculate the cutoff wavelength as twice the inner dimensions.λc=2a

SETUP FOR MEASUREMENT OF waveguide parameters

Find the characteristics impedance as zo=377(b/a)( λg/λ)
13.  Calculate the group and phase velocities  vg=(λ/λg)*c                        vp= (λg/ λ)*c

Beam voltage = 273 V Beam current = Repeller voltage = Dip Frequency f = Wavelength λ=c/f=
Inner waveguide dimension a= 22.86mm

Outer waveguide dimension b= 10.5mm

dà difference between two successive maxima or minima d1 =
d2 =

d= (d2-d1)or (d1-d2) =

Guided wavelength λg=2d= Cutoff wavelength λc=2a = Group velocity vg=(λ/λg)*c = Phase velocity vp= (λg/ λ)*c =
Characteristic impedance = zo=377(b/a)(λg/λ) =


1.  Microwave source should be exposed to fan.

2.  Readings should be taken without parallax error.

RESULT: --------------------------------------------------------------------

EXP NO.: 5                                                                                                                



To verify the characteristics of Magic Tee junction

1.  Klystron power supply             XKPS 610
2.  Reflex klystron                        2K25
3.  Variable Attenuator                 XA 520
4.  Circulator
5.  Frequency meter                      XF 610
6.  Slotted line                               XS 651
7.  Magic tee junction
8.  Crystal detector                       XD 451
9.  CRO with probes
10.  Cooling fan

Magic Tee is a combination of E-plane Tee and H-plane Tee. If two waves of equal magnitude and the same phase are fed into port1 and port2, the output will be zero at E- arm and additive at H-arm. If a wave is fed into H-arm, it will be divided equally between port1 and port2 of the collinear arms and will not appear at E-arm. If a wave is fed into E- arm, it will produce an output of equal magnitude and opposite phase at port1 and port2. The output at H-arm is zero. If a wave is fed into one of the collinear arms at port1 or port2, it will not appear in the other collinear arm at port2 or port1, appears at E-arm which  causes a phase delay while the H-arm causes a phase advance.

 1.      Setup the equipment as shown in the figure.
2.      Keep the control knobs of Klystron Power supply as shown below

a.       Mod. Switch                           -- AM
b.      Beam voltage knob               --  Fully anticlockwise
c.       Repeller Voltage                    --  Fully clockwise
d.      AM amplitude knob               --  Around Fully anticlockwise
e.       AM frequency knob               -- Fully clockwise
3.      Switch ON the Klystron power supply and cooling fan.
4.      Set the beam voltage at 250V with the help of beam voltage knob.
5.      Set the repeller voltage, AM amplitude and frequency to obtain a square wave on the CRO.
6.      Connect crystal detector to the slotted line and note the input power as Pi
7.      Now, connect the H arm of the Magic Tee junction to the slotted line.
8.      Connect matched termination to two arms and crystal detector to the E arm and note the output power as P1
9.      Now, connect the E arm of the Magic Tee junction to the slotted line.
10. Connect matched termination to two arms and crystal detector to the H arm and note the output power as P2.

Beam voltage = Beam current = Repeller voltage =
Input power Pi = Vi2/R =
R = 1W

Coupling factor of E-arm => P= V/R =
V1 =
R = 1W
C = 10log10(Pi/P1) dB =

Coupling factor of H-arm => P2 = V/R =
V2 =
R = 1W
C = 10log10  (Pi/P2) dB =


1.  Microwave source should be exposed to fan.

2.  Readings should be taken without parallax error.

3.  Avoid the exposing of body parts to the microwaves

 RESULT: ---------------------------------------------------------

Viva questions:

1.                    What are the different applications of magic Tee?
2.                  What is the difference between E-plane Tee and H-plane Tee?

EXP NO.: 6                                                                                                                


To verify the characteristics of Directional Coupler

1.  Klystron power supply             XKPS 610
2.  Reflex klystron                        2K25
3.  Isolator                                     XI 621
4.  Variable Attenuator                 XA 520
5.  Frequency meter                      XF 610
6.  Slotted line                               XS 651
7.  Tunable probe                          XP 655
8.  Crystal detector                       XD 451
9.  Directional coupler
10.  Matched termination              XL 400
11.  Waveguide stand                   XU 535
12.  CRO and probes
13.  Cooling fan

Directional couplers are flange built in waveguide assemblies which can sample a small amount of microwave power for measurement purposes. They are designed to measure incident or reflected powers, SWR values, providing a single path to the receiver or perform  other desirable operations. They can be unidirectional (measuring only incident power) or bidirectional (measuring both incident and reflected powers). The waveguide is a 4-port waveguide junction.


1.  Setup the experiment as shown in figure.

 2.  Keep the control knob of klystron power supply as shown below.

a.     MOD switch-AM
b.    Beam voltage knob-Fully Anti-clockwise
c.     Klystron Repeller  voltage- Fully clockwise
d.    AM amplitude knob-Fully clockwise
e.     AM frequency knob- Fully clockwise

3.  Switch ON the klystron power supply and cooling fan.

4.  Set the beam voltage at 250V with the help of beam voltage knob.

5.  Set the Repeller voltage, AM amplitude and frequency to obtain a square wave on the CRO.

6.  Connect the crystal detector to the slotted line and note the input power as Pi.

7.  Now connect Port1 of directional coupler to the slotted line.

8.  Connect the matched termination to Port3 and crystal detector to the Port2. Note the reverse power as Pr.
9.  Connect the matched terminal to Port2 and crystal detector to Port3. Note the forward power as Pf.
10.    Now connect the Port2 of directional coupler to the slotted line.

11.  Connect matched termination to Port1 and crystal detector to Port3. Note the backward power as Pb.
12.  Calculate the various parameters of directional coupler.

               Coupling factor C = 10log10(Pi /Pf)dB
Directivity D = 10log10(Pf /Pb)dB Transmission loss TL=10log10(Pi /Pr)dB

Isolation I = 10log10(Pi /Pb)Db



Beam voltage = Beam current = Repeller voltage = R=1Ω
Input power Pi= Vi2/R =

Forward power Pf= Vf2/R =

Backward power Pb= Vb2/R = Received power Pr= V/R =
Coupling factor C = 10log10(Pi /Pf)dB = Directivity D = 10log10(Pf /Pb)dB = Transmission loss Tl =10log10(Pi /Pr)dB = Isolation I = 10log10(Pi /Pb)dB = PRECAUTIONS:
1.      The microwave source must be exposed to fan.
2.      Readings must be taken without parallax error.

 RESULT: -----------------------------------------------------

Viva questions:

1.            What factors determine the parameters of directional coupler?
2.            Write down S-matrix of a directional coupler?

 EXP NO.:7                                                                                                                 DATE:



To determine VSWR and Reflection coefficient for No load, matched termination and Horn antenna.


1.      Klystron power supply     XKPS 610
2.      Reflex klystron                2K25
3.      Variable Attenuator         XA 520
4.      Circulator isolator            XI 621
5.      Frequency meter              XF 610
6.      Slotted line                       XS 651
7.      Tunable probe                  XP 655
8.      Matched termination        XL 400
9.      Horn antenna
10.  Waveguide stand             XU 535
11.  CRO and probes
12.  Cooling fan

THEORY:     The ratio of maximum to minimum voltages gives VSWR. It is given by

S= Vmax/Vmin  = 1+ ρ /1- ρ

è  S varies from 1 to ∞
è  ρ means reflection coefficient.

The reflection coefficient (ρ) is defined as the ration of power reflected to incident power.
ρ = Preflected/Pincident

è  ρ  varies from 0 to ∞


1.            Setup the experiment as shown in figure.
2.            Keep the control knob of klystron power supply as shown below.
a.          MOD switch-AM
b.         Beam voltage knob-Fully Anti-clockwise
c.          Klystron Repeller  voltage- Fully clockwise
d.         AM amplitude knob-Fully clockwise
e.          AM frequency knob- Fully clockwise
3.            Switch ON the klystron power supply and cooling fan.
4.            Set the beam voltage at 250V with the help of beam voltage knob.
5.            Set the Repeller voltage, AM amplitude and frequency to obtain a square wave on the  CRO.
6.            There is no load at the end of the slotted line. This is known as no load condition.
7.            Move the probe along the slotted line and measure the maximum and minimum levels of the signal and mark it Emax and Emin respectively.
8.            Calculate VSWR and Reflection Coefficient as
VSWR(S) = Emax/ Emin Reflection Coefficient (ρ) = S+1/S-1
9.            Repeat step 7 and 8 with load as Matched Termination and Horn antenna.


Beam voltage = Beam current = Repeller voltage = No load:
Emax = Emin =
VSWR   S = Emax/ Emin=

Reflection Coefficient    ρ = S-1/S+1=
 Matched termination:

Emax = Emin =
VSWR   S = Emax/ Emin=

Reflection Coefficient    ρ = S-1/S+1=
 Horn antenna:

Emax = Emin =
VSWR   S = Emax/ Emin=

Reflection Coefficient    ρ = S-1/S+1=


1.            Microwave source should be exposed to fan.
2.            Readings should be taken without parallax error.
 RESULT: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Viva questions:

1.          What is the significance of VSWR?
2.          What are the different methods to measure VSWR?

 EXP NO.: 8                                                                                                               


AIM: To determine the propagation loss and bending loss of an optical fiber for 660 nm wavelength LED.

1.      Link-A kit.
2.        20 MHz Dual Trace Oscilloscope.
3.      1 & 3 Meter Fiber cable.
4.      Power supply.
5.      Patch chords

Optical fibers are available in different variety of materials. These materials are usually selected by taking into account their absorption characteristics for different wavelengths of light. In case of optical fiber, since the signal is transmitted in the form of light which is completely different in nature as that of electrons, one has to consider the interaction of matter with the radiation to study the losses in fiber. Losses are introduced in fiber due to various reasons. As light propagates from one end of fiber to another end, part of it is absorbed in the material exhibiting absorption loss. Also part of the light is reflected back or in some other directions from the impurity particles present in the material contributing to the loss of the signal at the other end of the fiber. In general terms it is known as propagation loss.

 1.  Slightly unscrew the cap of 660 nm LED. Do not remove the cap from the connector. Once the cap is loosened, insert a fiber into the cap and ensure that the fiber is properly fixed. Now, tight the cap by screwing it back. Keep Pot P3 fully anti-clockwise position.

 2.  Make the connections and Jumper settings as shown in block diagram Connect the power supply cables with proper polarity to kit. While connecting this, ensure that the power supply is OFF.
3.  Set the sine wave with 1 KHz, 2 V(p-p) amplitude and connect it to the IN post of analog buffer.
4.  Connect the other end of the fiber to analog detector.
5.  Switch on the power supply.
6.  Observe the output signal from the detector at ANALOG OUT post on CRO
by adjusting INTENSITY Pot P3 in kit and you should get the reproduction of the original transmitted signal. Mark this amplitude level as “V1”.
7.  Now replace 1 meter fiber by 3 meter fiber without disturbing any of the previous settings.
8.  Measure the amplitude level at the receiver side again. Mark this as V2. You will notice that V2< V1.If ‘α’ is the attenuation of the fiber then we have,
αdB= (10/L1-L2)log10(V2-V1)
where α = dB/km
L1= fiber length of 1m cable L2= fiber length of 3m cable

1.      Repeat all the steps from 1 to 8
2.      Bend the fiber in a loop as shown in block diagram Measure the amplitude of the received signal.
3.      Keep reducing the diameter to about 2 cm (Do not reduce loop diameter less than 2  cm) & take corresponding output voltage readings.


Input voltage (V) = 2Vp-p V1= voltage of 1m fiber = V2 = voltage of 3m fiber = L= 1m
L2 = 3m

adB= (10/L1-L2)log10(V2/V1)=

V1= 2Vp-p,                L1=1m

Diameter (cm)
Output voltage (Vo)
Bending loss



1.  Keep the jumpers properly
2.  Select the patch cards according to the requirement and insert properly
3.  Avoid the sharp bending of optical fiber cable

 RESULT: --------------------------------------------------------------------

Viva questions:

1.      What are the different types of losses of optical communication?
2.      Distinguish between attenuation distortion and delay distortion.

 EXP NO.: 9                                                                                                               



To verify the V-I characteristics of fiber optic LED of wavelength 660 nm

1.      Link-A kit.
2.      20 MHz Dual Trace Oscilloscopes.
3.      1 & 3 Meter Fiber cable.
4.      Power supply.
5.      Voltmeter.
6.      Current meter.
7.      Jumper Connecting Wires-4.
For optical communication requiring bit rates less than approximately 100-200 Mbps
together with multimode fiber-coupled optical power in the tens of microwatts, semiconductor light-emitting diodes (LED’s) are usually the best light source choice. These LED’s require less complex drive circuitry than laser diodes since no thermal or optical stabilization circuits are needed and they can be fabricated less expensively with higher yields..
1.  Make the jumper and switch settings as shown in the jumper diagram. Keep pot P4 in fully clockwise position.
2.  Connect the ammeter with the jumper connecting wires (provided along with the kit) in jumpers JP3 as shown in the diagram.
3.  Connect the voltmeter with the jumper wires to JP5 and JP2 at positions as shown in the diagram.
4.  Connect the ammeter with the jumper connecting wires (provided along with the kit) in jumpers JP7 as shown in the diagram.
 5.  Switch on the power supply. Keep the potentiometer P3 in its minimum position (fully anticlockwise position), P4 is used to control biasing voltage of the LED.
6.  To get the VI characteristics of LED, rotate P3 slowly and measure forward current and corresponding forward voltage of the LED.
7.  Take number of such readings for forward voltage, forward current & optical power.  
8.  Plot the graph of forward voltage Vs forward current using the values noted.


Forward voltage of LED (Vf) volts
Forward current of LED (If) mA










1.  Keep the jumpers properly
2.  Select the patch cards according to the requirement and insert properly
3.  Avoid the sharp bending of optical fiber cable

 RESULT: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Viva questions:

1.              Mention the important semiconductors used in LED’s and laser.
2.              How does the LED work?
3.              Define internal quantum efficiency of a LED or laser.

 EXP NO.: 10                                                                                                              DATE:


AIM: To measure the numerical aperture of optical fiber using 660 nm Wavelength LED.

1.      Link-A kit.
2.      1 Meter Fiber cable.
3.      NA JIG.
4.      Steel Ruler.
5.      Power supply

 Numerical aperture refers to the maximum angle at which the light incident on the fiber end is totally internally reflected and is transmitted properly along the fiber. The alignment of optical source with respect to the inlet of optical fiber is a crucial factor for propagation of light through reflection. The angle subtended by the source should be such that light suffers total internal reflection when it strikes the inner surface of the fiber.
 1.  Slightly unscrew the cap of 660 nm LED. Do not remove the cap from the connector. Once the cap is loosened, insert the fiber into the cap. Now, tight the cap by screwing it back.
2.  Connect the power supply cables with proper polarity to the kit. While connecting this, ensure that the power supply is OFF. Do not apply any TTL signal from Function Generator. Make the connections as shown in block diagram.
3.  Keep Pot P3 in fully clockwise position and P4 in fully anticlockwise position.
4.  Switch “ON” the power supply.
5.  Insert the other end of the fiber into the NA JIG.
6.  Keep the distance of about 1 cm between the fiber tip and the screen and vary the intensity (HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW).
7.  Now adjust Pot P4 in fully clockwise position (intensity: HIGH) and vary the distance.
8.  Measure exactly the distance d and also the vertical and horizontal diameters MR and PN indicated in the block diagram.
9.  Mean radius is calculated as
r = (MR + PN) / 4
. Find the numerical aperture of the fiber using the formula. NA = sin θmax = Where d= OA

Intensity is constant: HIGH

NA = r /



b.      Distance is constant = 1 cm

NA = r /



1.  Keep the jumpers properly
2.  Select the patch cards according to the requirement and insert properly
3.  Avoid the sharp bending of optical fiber cable

RESULT: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Viva questions:

1)        Define NA?
2)        Give the formula for Numerical Aperture.

 EXP NO.: 11                                                                                                              



To connect the RS-232 ports of two computers using optical fiber digital link to establish a full duplex communication and to measure the data rate at different parity bits, stop bits and data bits.


a.       Fiber link- A kit
b.      1mt fiber cable
c.       9-pin D connector cables (2)
d.      Computers PC/XT, PC, 386, 486 (or) higher version
e.       Power supply
f.       Patch chords

In optical communication the exchange of information between any two devices across a communication channel involves some type of optical signal which carries the information. The rate at which circuits (or) other devices operate when handling digital information is called data rate. The max rate that can be obtained over a given channel is called channel capacity in digital link, input is a digital signal. The optical communication involves exchange of information between any two devices across a communication channel. The data  rate can be measured by connecting optical digital link to the computer


1.        Slightly unscrew the cap of 660nm LED on kit. Don’t remove the cap from the  connector. Once the cap is loosened, insert the fiber into the cap. Now, tight the cap by screwing it back.
2.        Make the jumper settings and connection diagrams as shown in figures 1 and establish full duplex communication.

3.        Refer to fig.2 of this experiment and make the necessary connections and connect one  end of the 9 to 9 pin cable to PC COM 1 port and the other end to CN1 connector on LINK-A kit then connect second 9 to 9 pin cable one end to second PC COM 1 port and other end to CN2 connector on LINK-A kit. Connect the power supply cables with proper polarity to kit. While connecting this, ensure that the power supply is OFF.
4.        Connect CN1 post on the kit (RS-232 section) to IN post of digital buffer section.
5.          Connect CN2 post on the kit (RS-232 section) to TTL OUT post of the receiver section.
6.        Switch ON the PCs and the power supply of the kit fiber link-A.
7.        After putting ON one of the PC, go to START menu, PROGRAMS, ACCESSORIES, COMMUNICATION and then click on HYPER TERMINAL.
8.        A new window will open, where in you double click on HYPERTERM, two windows will open, one at the background and another with title connection description which will be active.
9.        Enter the name in the box by which you would like to store your connections, for e.g. (PC 2 PC) and click Ok. Also you could select the ICON provided below. The background window title will change to the name provided by you.
10.     Then specify connect using selecting direct to COM1 or port where your cable is connected and then click on OK.
11.     Now window with title COM1 properties will appear, where port setting should be done as shown below click on OK
12.     After the above settings you click OK. The background window will become active.
13.     Click on file, save as, and save it in the directory, which you want.
14.     Perform the same procedure i.e.., from points 8 to 14 on the computer with whom we want to communicate.
15.     To start communicating between the two PC’s click on the transfer menu and again click on send file. A window will be prompted having title send file name with filename and protocol.
16.     Select “browse” for the file which we would like to send to the PC connected. Select the file and click on open the file name and address will be displayed in the small window. Then select the “Kermit” protocol (optional use protocols are S-modem, Y-modem and IKX modem).

17.     To receive the file on the PC click on the transfer menu and click on receive file. A window will be prompted having title receiving file with location at which you want to receive files and protocol.
18.     Select the browser for the location where you would like to store received files. Select the folder and click OK, the folder name and address will be displayed in the small windows protocol to be selected should be Kermit and select and same as the file transmitting PC.
19.     On the PC from which the selected file to be transmitted, click on send. A new window will open showing file transfer status. Immediately at the receiving PC click receive (otherwise time out error will be displayed and communication will fail). You will see a window showing the file is received in the form of packets.
20.     After the file is transferred both the windows in the two PC’s will close. Check for the received files in the folder where the file is stored. You can do this procedure vice versa to transfer the file.




Input characters from keyboard 1 of PC1: MICROWAVE & OPTICAL COMMUNICATION LAB
Input characters from keyboard 1 of PC1 are displayed on PC2:
Output characters of PC2: MICROWAVE & OPTICAL COMMUNICATION LAB Input characters from keyboard 2 of PC2: ECE Department
Output characters from keyboard 2 of PC2 are displayed on PC1: Output characters of PC1: ECE Department

Baud rate
Tx time
Rx time
Stop bits
Data bits
Parity bits



1.  Keep the jumpers properly
2.  Select the patch cards according to the requirement and insert properly
3.  Avoid the sharp bending of optical fiber cable
4.  Insert properly RS 232 probe between PC and optical trainer kit
 RESULT: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Viva questions:
1.      What are the different types of transmission systems used in the communication?
2.      What is baud rate?
3.      What is data rate?

 EXP NO: 12                                                                                                               



The aim of the experiment is to study

a.       Optical Power (Po) of Laser Diode vs Laser Diode Forward Current (IF)
b.      Monitor Photodiode Current(IM) VS Laser Optical Power Output(Po)

1.         Laser Diode Transmission KitTX Unit
2.         Laser Diode Transmission Kit RX Unit
3.         Power supply
4.         Two-meter PMMA Fiber Patch cord (cable 1)
5.         Digital Multi Meter
6.         Patch chords


LEDs and Laser Diodes are the commonly used in optical communication systems, whether the systems transmits digital or analog signals. Laser Diodes (LDs) are used in telecom, data-com and video communication applications involving high speeds and long hauls. All single mode optical fiber communication systems use laser in the 1300 nm and 1550 nm windows. Lasers with very small line-widths also facilitate realization of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) for high density communication over a single fiber. The inherent properties of LDs that make them suitable for such applications are, high coupled optical power in to the fiber (typically greater than 1 mw), high stability of optical intensity, small line-widths (less than 0.05 nm in special devices), high speed (several GHz) and high linearity (over a specified region suitable for analog transmission). Special lasers also provide for regeneration/amplification of optical signals within  an  optical  fiber. These fibers are known  as  “erbium  doped  fiber  amplifiers.  LDs   for
communication applications are available in the wave length regions 650 nm, 780 nm, 850 nm, 980 nm, 1300 nm and 1550.
Specifications of the Laser Module @25C

Cw output power
Operating Current
Wavelength at peak emission
Mean time to failure


The schematic diagram for study of the LD Po as a function of LD forward current IF is shown below and is self-explanatory.

1.      Connect the 2-metre PMMA FO cable (cab 1) to TX Unit and couple the laser light to the power meter on the RX unit as shown fig. Select ACC mode of operation.

2.      Set DMM1 to the 2000 mV range and on the RX side connect to the terminals marked Po to it. Turn it on. The power meter is now ready for use. Po= (reading)/10 dBm.

3.      Set DMM2 to the 2000 mV range and connect it between Vo and Gnd on the TX unit. (IF
= Vo/100).

4.      Adjust the Set IF Knob to the extreme anticlockwise position to reduce IF to 0. The  power meter reading will normally be below -40 dBm or out of range.

5.      Gradually increase IF. Note IF and Po readings.

6.      Plot the graph Po Vs. log IF as shown in the Fig. 2.

7.      Determine the slopes prior to lasing and after lasing. Record the laser threshold current.

Set up for Po Vs IF Measurement

 Observation table:









1.  Avoid the wrong and loose connections
2.  Avoid the exposing of body parts to the laser beam
 Result: --------------------------------------------------------

Viva questions:
1.      What are the characteristics of laser radiation?
2.      What are the factors that decrease the life time of laser diode?
3.      What is meant by threshold condition for laser oscillation?

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