Saturday, 12 November 2016

Tanner EDA


Schematic Procedure:

1. Open S-edit; then create a new design file
2. File→ New→ New design and save the file with design name.
3. Then add  the library files
Add→ Documents→ Tanner EDA→ Tanner tools v13.0→ Libraries→ All→All.tanner
4. To open the schematic view, select schematic in view 0 and then click ok.
5. Cell→ New view→ Ok
6. Draw the design and then check for errors and then save the design.
7. Then generate the net list program of schematic.
Tools→ T-spice.
8. Then add the necessary modeling and input commands to the net-list and then save and run simulation.
9. Output waveforms will be generated in W-Edit

Layout Procedure:

1. Open the layout edit create a new cell and save the cell.
2. Create the design layout and save it.
3. Check for the design rule errors by clicking on DRC.
4. Extract the layout design by going to
Tools→ extract setup→ tanner EDA →tanner tools v 13.0→L-edit and LVS→tech→ Generic_250nm→ Generic_250nm.ext.
5. Run the extract.
6. Generate the net list on T-spice by forcing the input command and run the net list then observe waveform in W-edit.


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