Sunday, 30 September 2018

Switching Circuits and Logic Design: Week 9: Assignment 9:

1. What kind of register(s) is/are most suitable for serial data communication?
  a. PIPO
  b. SISO
  c. PISO and SIPO
  d. All of these

Ans: c

2. What is the function of the ENABLE input of a PIPO register?
  a. To prevent accidental loading of the register.
  b. To force the outputs to the high impedance state when required.
  c. To enable or disable the shift register functionality.
  d. None of these.

Ans. b

3. How are data stored in a PIPO register implemented using CMOS dynamic logic?
  a. As charge on tiny capacitors.
  b. In flip-flops.
  c. In an asynchronous feedback loop.
  d. None of these.

Ans. a

4. The number of additional NAND gates required to construct a 4-bit shift register using S-R flip-flops is …………, assuming that the serial input (SI) is available in both complemented and un-complemented forms.

Ans. 0

5. A 25-bit Johnson counter will count modulo-…………

Ans. 50

6. The maximum number of distinct patterns that can be generated using a 8-bit linear feedback shift register (LFSR) is …………..

Ans. 255

7. In an asynchronous binary counter
  a. All the flip-flops change state simultaneously in synchronism with the clock.
  b. The odd stages change state on the rising edge and the even stages change state on the falling edge of the clock.
  c. Changes ripple from the most significant to the least significant stage.
  d. None of these.

Ans. No answer is correct

8. In an up-counting ripple counter,
  a. The first flip-flop from the left changes state at every clock pulse.
  b. The second flip-flop from the left changes state at every 2 clock pulses.
  c. The third flip-flop from the left changes state at every 4 clock pulses.
  d. All of these.

Ans. d

9. An 8-bit binary ripple counter can count modulo-………

Ans. 256

10. In a 6-bit ripple counter, the number of transient states between the count values 000000 and 111111 will be ………….

Ans. 5

11. The number of flip-flops required to design a modulo-100 ripple counter will be ……..

Ans. 7

12. When a modulo-50, a modulo-10, and a modulo-20 ripple counters are all connected in cascade, the combination will count modulo-………

Ans. 10000


  1. in assignment 10 please check the answers for following questions.

  2. Do you mean assignment 9 or assignment 10.
    As per nptel lecture material, answer to question ten is 5 only

  3. bit 9 and bit 1 please verify once
