Monday, 11 February 2019

Antennas: Assignment 3:

1. Directivity and input impedance of a monopole antenna on a large ground plane as compared to that of dipole antenna are: 
 Twice, Twice
 Twice, Half 
 Half, Half
 Half, Twice
Ans: b
2. A monopole antenna of radius 0.5 cm is designed at 900 MHz on a large ground plane. The wire length of the monopole antenna (in cm) is approximately:
Ans: d
3. A monopole antenna with large ground plane is printed on FR4 substrate having ϵrϵr = 4.4, h = 0.16 cm and tanδδ = 0.02. If the length and width of the printed monopole antenna are 33 cm and 1.2 cm respectively. The approximate resonance frequency in MHz is: 
Ans: b
4. Common Data for Questions 4-5: A bent monopole antenna is placed on a large ground plane. The wire length of 18 cm is bent perpendicularly at 6 cm to form a L-shaped antenna. Now, the vertical height of the monopole is 6 cm and the horizontal length is 12 cm. The diameter of the wire is 2 mm. 
The approximate resonance frequency is: 
 508 MHz 
 488 MHz 
 448 MHz 
 398 MHz
Ans: d
5. The approximate input resistance of the antenna is: 
 10 Ω   
 6 Ω 
 3 Ω 
 1 Ω 
Ans: a
6. Common Data for Questions 6-7: A N-turn circular loop antenna has loop diameter of 150 mm and the wire diameter is 2 mm.
The number of turns required to match this antenna with 50 Ω RF source at 50 MHz are:
Ans: b
7. If it is wound on a ferrite core, whose effective permeability is 10, then the number of turns required to match this antenna with 50 Ω RF source at 50 MHz are:
Ans: b
8. Common Data for Questions 8-9:  A printed resonant slot antenna is designed at 2.45 GHz on a one side metal FR4 substrate with er = 4.4, h = 0.16 cm and tand = 0.02. The width of the slot is 4 mm. 
The length of the slot in mm is: 
Ans: a
9. If width of the slot increases then:
 Resonance frequency decreases
 Bandwidth increases
 Both (a) and (b) 
 None of the above
Ans: c 
10. If Input impedance of a dipole antenna is 68 Ω, then what will be approximate input impedance of the complementary slot antenna?
 36 Ω
 75 Ω
 148 Ω
 522 Ω
Ans: d


  1. plz chek 5 bit we get ans as 6 ohms

  2. To calculate the radiation resistance, you need to take only the vertical length.

  3. kindly explain assignment 4 q.5 in antenna 4th assignment

  4. Digital electronics assignment 6
