Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Antennas: Assignment 5:

1. Which one of the following substrates should be used to provide large gain and BW of MSA for same substrate thickness?
 RT Duroid 6010 (εr = 10.2, tan δ= 0.0023)
 Glass Epoxy FR-4 (εr = 4.4, tan δ = 0.02)
 RT Duroid 5880 (εr = 2.2, tan δ = 0.0009)
 Air (εr = 1, tan δ = 0)
Ans: d
Common data for Questions 2 to 6: A rectangular microstrip antenna (RMSA) is designed at 1800 MHz on a substrate having εr = 2.33, h = 1.6 mm and tan δ = 0.0012. 
2. Width of the RMSA is:
 8.33 cm
 6.46 cm
 4.17 cm
 3.34 cm
Ans: b
3. The effective dielectric constant seen by the  RMSA is: 
Ans: c
4. Length of the RMSA is:
 6.46 cm
 6.05 cm
 5.33 cm
 5.14 cm
Ans: c
5. For 50Ω input impedance, approximate location of the feed-point from the centre of RMSA is:
 0.5 cm
 1.0 cm
 1.5 cm
 2.0 cm
Ans: b
6. Approximate gain of the RMSA should be in the range:
 3-5 dBi
 5-7 dBi
 7-9 dBi
 9-11 dBi
Ans: d
7. To realize n-way power divider, circular microstrip patch should be excited in ___mode.
Ans: d
Common data for Questions 8 to 10: An air suspended circular microstrip antenna is designed to resonate at 2.45 GHz as shown in Fig.1. The suspended substrate parameters are: εr = 4.4, h = 0.16 cm and tan δ = 0.02, and the air-gap Δ = 0.6
8. The equivalent dielectric constant seen by the antenna is:
Ans: d
9. Approximate radius of the suspended circular MSA is:
 3.86 cm
 2.86 cm
 1.92 cm 
 1.16 cm
Ans: b
10. Approximate gain of the antenna is in the range:
 4-6 dBi
 6-8 dBi
 8-10 dBi
Ans: c


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