Monday, 22 April 2019


1. In presence of clock jitter (Tj), under worst case scenario, for proper operation of a synchronous sequential logic, the clock period reduces by

2. Clock skew between two clocks is influenced by which of the following factor:

3. For clock skew and jitter the systematic error is

4. The best way to avoid skew and jitter is

5. In a pipeline based sequential circuits, let us assume that we are using positive level triggered latches between combinational block, then which of the following statements is true

6. For a C2MOS pipelined circuit to be race free the essential condition is 

7. For a latch based clocking how many phase clock sequence is required

8. In a latch based clocking scheme if the first D-latch is active low and runs on a clock referred to as TCLK1, then the evaluation time for the combinational block next to the latch is

9. Not all clock event occur simultaneously in a system due to

10. Sense Amplifier in a conventional memory design allows